Volkswagen Office

Volkswagen Office

Volkswagen’s new home in Poznań is ready. The success of the Volkswagen Home concept became an incentive to continue with the style consistent with the showroom which had previously opened in Warsaw. Hence, architects from mode:lina™ prepared another project for Volkswagen. This time they worked on Volkswagen office in Poznań.


  • Project Volkswagen office in Poznań
  • Investor Volkswagen Poznań
  • Design Paweł Garus, Jerzy Woźniak, Anna Kazecka, Natalia Wasicionek
  • Photos Patryk Lewiński
  • Completion August 2018
  • Location Poznań
  • Area 500 m2
  • Press Release Download press materials

Before mode:lina™ started the design process, the architects looked at the style of work and communication in Volkswagen team. During talks, the designers learned that ensuring an intimate atmosphere will be of key importance (same as for the showroom in Warsaw), as it will entice everyone to interact and at the same time, it will break away from a typical atmosphere of an office.Cały układ funkcjonalny biura został stworzony od podstaw. Architekci zorganizowali nową przestrzeń jako sekwencję mniejszych, nowoczesnych “domków”, których forma oraz elewacje przypominają współczesne modernistyczne domy, a rozwiązania materiałowe są kontynuacją idei stojącej za wnętrzem salonu Volkswagen Home.

The whole functional setup of the office was arranged from scratch. The architects organised the new space as a sequence of smaller, modern “houses”. Their form and elevations resemble contemporary modernistic houses, and selected materials are a continuation of an idea behind the interior of Volkswagen Home showroom.

The employees did not want a large open-space office in which they had worked before, they needed areas that would be more private. On the other hand, they did not want to be isolated in smaller teams, and therefore it was important to maintain an open character of the interior and an effortless communication between them.ętrza oraz swobodną komunikację między pracownikami.

The houses also have a lot of storage space, with units cleverly hidden in the “elevations”. While you cannot see them at all, they are located virtually all across the office.

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ul. Zwierzyniecka 28D/2
60-814 Poznan, Poland